A Responsible Coffee Supply Chain Considers Equity
As coffee importers we hold a unique position that not only gives us the opportunity to ask the questions but also help in developing intentional programs that bridge the gap on racial and gender inequities.

Our Roaster Partners
Many coffee roasting companies are family owned businesses doing great work in their local communities. Many have a desire to expand their impact into the coffee producing companies where their coffees are from ensuring their spend helps to uplift communities. Engagement with BD Imports provides the assurance that their dollars spent for green coffee are impactful on the ground. Our roaster partners understand the value of long term relationships and being part of a supply chain that allows positive and transparent business relationships. Over time the buyers and producers get to know each other, understand each other’s businesses far beyond words and photos that we provide. Several of our roaster partners have joined us on our annual visits to the farms.

Environmental Impact
From the start, the Black Producers Program was focused not only on racial and gender equity but positive environmental practices. The producers in the program hold Certifica Minas certification, with one producer holding organic certification. Over the next year the program members will begin training to incorporate regenerative agriculture into their work throughout 2025.

Economic Impact
Since our first shipment in 2020, many of the producers have been able to reinvest in their businesses. The ability to export their coffee has allowed affordability to purchase processing equipment, upgraded farm facilities and engaged the next generation of producers. By having the option of selling their coffee into the local market and the export market it has provided an improvement of income needed for expansion.

Program Impact
“The impact is significant on our company's cash flow, we were able to increase our revenue and, as a consequence, invest more in machinery for the property. With the first export, we got money to buy a coffee washer, so in the last harvest, all the coffees were washed with this washer.”
“We have the opportunity to take our coffees and history abroad, being recognized for the work involved in coffee, it’s been financially more viable and offers the value of building a strong network and transparency.”
“The program provides valorization (increased value) and visibility.”

Adding Value Beyond Economic Through the Social Impact of Coffee
Learn More About the Producers and their farms in our e-book.